Wildwood Consulting
ABOUT Wildwood Consulting:
We show people like you how to make better use of your total intelligence. We do this by equipping you with tools and teaching you skills to achieve your personal and shared goals.
David Church
Principal Consultant
David Church is a master facilitator and personal development coach who teaches people to live with greater intelligence and compassion in their homes and workplaces.
David leads the Wildwood Consulting Group, a team that offers personal coaching and professional consulting to promote positive change for individuals, organizations and communities. David also created LoveSmart, a relationship skills course that uses OneSmartWorld’s tools to teach individuals, couples and families to practice the 12 skills of living intimately with compassion and intelligence.
David is an expert facilitator who helps community organizations and businesses articulate their visions and missions, develop strategic plans, address challenging situations, and strengthen their work teams. David’s work is informed by his Masters in Human Systems Intervention (2005) from Montreal’s Concordia University.
The Wildwood team are enthusiastic supporters of OneSmartWorld. Our partners at OneSmartWorld have created an ingenious set of "simple tools for complex times" that make it easy for each of us to elevate our performance as individuals, and as members of families and teams.
Wildwood's team are trained to use OneSmartWorld tools and techniques to enhance the effectiveness of our consulting and coaching services.We use these tools to empower people to understand how they are smart, and how to be smarter as individuals and together.
Wildwood's team empowers individuals, families and organizations by providing access to OneSmartWorld's
state-of-the-art personal development tools, and by teaching people how to use them to succeed in life.